All staff will be fully trained in the ‘Prevent’ strategy and will hold appropriate certification of having successfully completed the course. This means staff will be equipped to identify early signs of radicalisation; they will know how to deal with a concern in the initial stages; and understand their duty to pass that concern on to the designated personnel within the school. This training complements mandatory Child Protection and Safeguarding training where staff will be informed and updated with regard to the systems and structures within the school which ensure all students are kept safe from harm.
All students will be trained to be ‘critical’ of all media, especially online media and websites, developing the skills to question and challenge ideas and concepts that incite hatred and violence and do not promote the values of tolerance and respect. IT usage in school will be actively monitored to ensure no students are visiting sites that place them in danger.
To complement the knowledge base developed in Citizenship and PSHE, students will participate in activities which develop their leadership and help them understand various institutions that make up British society as a whole and how they operate. For example, the school will have elected House Representatives who will lead each of the houses and represent the student body on a Student Council; this will be one mechanism by which students can learn about their role in influencing decision making through a democratic process.